Outsource Fiji
Our Brand Story

Our Brand Story

Outsource Fiji The brand that you see in front of you is a helping hand gesture that represents our people and their excellent service culture and their ability to deliver excellent customer experience. Our people are truly our greatest asset. With low staff turnovers, access to a highly qualified large talent pool and a young tech savy population – the people of Fiji are the reason for many global brands currently outsourcing to Fiji. The helping hand gesture is incorporated with the “Davui” which is a conch shell trumpet that produces a loud sound that carries over long distances. The idea of the ‘Davui’ in Outsource Fiji encompasses the message of; To call, To summon to action – Community and Harmony. The Davui is our history and our future combined. It’s a natural part of who we are as a people with hospitality and communication in our DNA.

The helping hand gesture extends an invitation to our BPO clients and investors and encourages them to hold our hands so we can take their businesses to the next level. The colors are inspired by the beautiful sunrises in Fiji over our pristine blue ocean. The colors also represent our diversity as a nation and our bula spirit.

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